On Monday the 29/1/18 our English course was visited by a group of students who attend the Hochschule Kleve and who are volunteers for UNICEF. Our teacher Ms Rahmany had invited them to talk about “global problems” with us as this is our current topic in English. Karan Shah, Uzair Munir and Johanna Lichtschlag had prepared a power point presentation for us in which they explained what UNICEF does to alleviate “global problems” like for example malnourishment.
The students informed us about the work UNICEF is involved in like campaigning against child labour and giving polio vaccinations to children. Every year the UNICEF group in Kleve picks a project they support. They also explained that UNICEF relies on donations to fund projects and relief efforts and that even if donating 30€ doesn’t seem like much it can buy a hygiene pack for a whole family which includes towels, soap and other hygiene products. This can help prevent diseases and illnesses.
In the second part of their presentation the students had prepared an exercise for us which involved making our own campaign posters to raise awareness of several different “global
problems”. The results were some really interesting posters which are now displayed in our course room. At the end we were able to ask Karan, Uzair and Johanna some questions like how we ourselves could get involved with UNICEF and how they got involved initially. It was a very insightful morning which helped us become more aware of the growing “global problems” in our world and what we personally can do to help. It showed us how volunteering for UNICEF can open opportunities. Many thanks to Karan Shah, Uzair Munir and Johanna Lichtschlag for taking the time to come to the Gymnasium Goch and meet us.
Hanna Coleman, EF